Lifter Information


Age Division, Weight Classes & Contests

All WBC competitors will be slotted into and compete in an age class and a weight class. Your age class is determined by your age on the day of the competition. Your weight class is determined at the WBC’s official weigh-in, which takes place the day before the meet.

Age Divisions:

  • Youth: 8-12

  • Teen: 13-19

  • Junior: 20-23

  • Open: All ages welcome, but if you are 24-39 this is your class!

  • Masters 1: 40-49

  • Masters 2: 50-59

  • Masters 3: 60-69

  • Masters 4: 70+

Weight Classes:

  • 97 lbs (97.4 lbs and below)

  • 105 lbs (97.5 lbs to 105.4 lbs)

  • 114 lbs (105.5 lbs to 114.4 lbs)

  • 123 lbs (114.5 lbs to 123.4 lbs)

  • 132 lbs (123.5 lbs to 132.4 lbs)

  • 148 lbs (132.5 lbs to 148.4 lbs)

  • 165 lbs (148.5 lbs to 165.4 lbs)

  • 181 lbs (165.5 lbs to 181.4 lbs)

  • 198 lbs (181.5 lbs to 198.4 lbs)

  • 220 lbs (198.5 lbs to 220.4 lbs)

  • 220+ lbs (220.5 lbs and up)


  • Push/Pull (Bench Press & Deadlift)

  • Bench Only

  • Deadlift Only

“If you are feeling intimidated for how big the event is or questioning how you will measure up think of this quote... A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms


— Kendra G., 2022 WBC Participant

our vision

10,000 by 2025

We want to impact 10,000 women by 2025 which will only be possible through the generous support of our communities.